Skin Care

5 Skincare Brands With Great Packaging

Looking for packaging inspiration for your skincare brand?Here are our 5 favourite Australian skincare brands with great packaging designs!

December 4, 2023


With so many skincare brands on the market, standing out among the crowd could not be more important. While your ingredients and results speak for themselves, it’s your brand’s packaging that will catch someone’s attention on a shelf or on a website. If you want to see examples of great skincare packaging, you don’t have to look very far - there are some great Australian skincare brands that excel in the packaging department. 

Here are 5 skincare brands with great packaging.

Go-To Skincare

Go-To skincare’s packaging represents its brand entirely. They are known for uncomplicated skincare that actually works, and their bottles and mask packaging follow the same design - uncomplicated. Each product comes in the iconic peach shade with a white lid and their famous witty copy on the packaging. Even their co-brands Gro-To and Bro-To share simple yet effective designs.

The only time Go-To skincare deviates from its standard colour palette is at Christmas time when they launch limited edition products with fun illustrations and colourful accessories.

Frank Body

When it comes to branding and packaging, it’s important to consider your target audience in your design - after all, they’re the ones buying it! One brand that has done just that is Frank Body. What started as a simple coffee scrub in a bag has evolved into moisturisers, masks, haircare and more. 

Like Go-To, they also have a signature shade of pink paired with a unique font but their great packaging goes beyond branding - they’ve found new and innovative ways to store their products. Our favourites are the Perky Sculpting Body Hydrator which comes in a reusable coffee cup (that you can actually reuse) and the Charcoal Body Scrub & Mask which comes in a pouch that can be hung off a hook in your bathroom for easy storage.


The Alpha-H skincare brand shows that you can still make an impact without coloured packaging. Their collections feature all-white bottles with a simple black or gold sans-serif font. Their award-winning Liquid Gold packaging has a sneaky surprise. The cap to open the bottle is covered by a lid which gives the illusion that the entire bottle is a simple cylinder when in reality the contents are contained within the cap.

Ultra Violette

As the name suggests, Ultra Violette features a bold violet colour as the base of all its packaging and pairs it with complementary colours to differentiate between products. Their signature product, the Queen Screen SPF 50+ Luminising Serum, is kept in an eyedropper bottle which is very different to the usual way sunscreen is stored. This packaging elevates the product and gives it a luxurious feel even though the price point is quite accessible.

Bangn Body

While Bangn Body has attractive yellow packaging, it’s what the packaging is made of that makes it so good. They’ve chosen to put sustainability at the forefront of their brand by ensuring their aluminium tubes are 100% recyclable and are ethically made with BPA-free lining and eco-friendly dyes. So not only do they look good, they do good too.

Want to start your own skincare line?

It’s easier to create a unique skincare line when you partner with Health Focus Manufacturers. We’re experts in skincare manufacturing and can help you produce a wide range of skincare products from lip balms to self-tanners, cleansers to toners and everything in between. If you’re looking to work with a team of experienced cosmetic chemists to create a skincare line, we’d love to hear from you. Contact us to make it happen!

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